MolarTron® is a series of books that engage kids in learning and practicing dental care basics. The series features a wide array of characters and intriguing stories. The stories have been written by Registered Dental Hygienist, Susan Urell.
MolarTron and Friends! Starring Lucy Toofy: featuring Flossie Floss’riguez & Bristle Beast! Fighters of Plaque and Other Crimes of the Mouth
Authored by: Susan F. Urell RDH
Illustrated by: E.L. Benson
Publisher: The Morris Davis Publishing Company
7″ x 10″ (17.78 x 25.4 cm)
30 pages (Full Color Bleed on White paper)
MolarTron and Friends! Starring Lucy Toofy
*Volume discount available for 10+ copies! Email us for details.
MolarTron and Friends! Starring Lil’ Mo: featuring Flossie Floss’riguez & Bristle Beast! Fighters of Plaque and Other Crimes of the Mouth
Authored by: Susan F. Urell RDH
Illustrated by: E.L. Benson
Publisher: The Morris Davis Publishing Company
7″ x 10″ (17.78 x 25.4 cm)
26 pages (Full Color Bleed on White paper)
L’il Mo is a retained baby molar who never becomes loose because his permanent replacement tooth never grows beneath him. Instead of falling out and going with Tooth Fairy, L’il Mo will get to live with all the big new teeth that have moved into his neighborhood! At first he doesn’t want to be different from his baby tooth buddies, but MolarTron & Friends help L’il Mo see that there are many advantages to being the only baby tooth living in a grown-up world.
MolarTron and Friends! Starring Lil Mo
*Volume discount available for 10+ copies! Email us for details.